Five Minute Friday: Grace
Link up with Lisa-Jo Baker. The only rule is you go to the person that linked up before you and encourage them in their writing. That’s it. The gift of encouragement – pass it on. Love it. We all need it. We should offer it more often.
Today's word is: Grace.
A word that has been used to tease her as she prances and stumbles around the room. Yet she prances and dances ignoring the comments.
A word that is used to judge her. If she had more grace she wouldn't need therapy or implements. If she had more grace she wouldn't be socially awkward.
A word that defines her sparkling spirit, not her physical skill.
With grace she loves.
She learns.
She lets go.
She leads.
With grace she teaches me a concept I struggle to grasp. That love is not something one earns. That love is to be given to everyone no matter how they treat you, or view matter how you view them.
I have a part. I have a purpose. I play a part in progress.
And with grace she shows me it isn't how many times you need to start over, it's how many times you respond with decency...
Funny what happens when you stop and view the world through the eyes of a child...
What's does grace mean to you?